I have a question for all of you too. Do you have and like an E-reader like Kindle? I can't make up my mind if that is something I would like or not. There is something gratifying flipping pages and I am not sure pushing a button would be the same (but then again I guess it depends on what button is being pushed bwahahaha).
Weigh in...I am on the fence.
Would you like to become a grandparent sooner (in less than 5 years) or later? What kind of grandma do you think you'll be?
I don't have an e-reader but I'd love one. And for the record *I* was the one who asked the questions which proved I love you the bestest. :)
Okay, I'm in, panties or g-string?
If you were on a desert island, and could bring 3 things, what would it be? How did you meet your husband? How did you lose your virginity? Answer any question or all of them!
As of now I am an actual book reader, not virtual...but that could change.
Questions? Hmmm.
If you won a million bucks, what are the first five things you would do with it?
If money was no object, what "of the month club" would you sign up for?
I have a Kindle and love it. I don't miss holding books at all. (Though I still read actual books at home since I have 2 shelves of unread books to get through.)
It's light, and the cover gives a sense of holding a book (but it's more comfortable to hold it like a tablet, with the cover folded back). You can carry hundreds of books with no added weight and you can get some of the classics for free or really cheap. I even bought Beeton's Book of Needlework, which is from the Victorian era for $3. Physical reprints of that book cost $60.
You can change font size and the screen really is comfortable to read.
So, yeah, get one.
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