Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Times are a changin'

I just read that the Cath0lic Church is thinking about letting women into the V@tican army. It has only taken them 500 years to come to this possibility. Imagine what could be next...birth control, so the people that are child haters don't have them? how about priests marrying so they have a clue what they are talking about when counseling couples? At the rate the church is making changes these things could very well happen in another 500 years. (my linky thingy still isn't working) I believe I have shared with you before my feelings about having been raised in the Cath0lic Church. Honestly, I wish I could tell you more than one positive thing about my experiences in private Cath0lic school and the church in general. The only thing I can think of is my high school art teacher, Sister Joachim. She was a blast. She would turn on the music and all 250 pounds of her would boogie around the room from table to table checking out our projects. She was the only person..EVER...that made me feel like I could be creative. When she got in trouble from the M0ther Superior we all went to bat for her and demanded that she be allowed to teach us however she wanted. The next year, she was back, but had changed. Someone had shut off her light and she didn't dance anymore. Little did the administration know, but she is the reason many of us survived our days at school...knowing we could go to her room and be ourselves. She was my one bright spot in Cath0licism. (I will add here that many of my friends are very Cath0lic, they just know not to ask me to go to church with them :)I am far more spiritual than religious.


preppyplayer said...

I hope me being Catholic doesn't change things...
Just kidding. But I know not every person has a good relationship with their "given" religion.
I am a proponent of anything positive and loving or the components that are...
So, I guess I am mostly Catholic.
No more preaching by me today :)

Medicare Health Insurance Plans - Jerry Perisho said...

You'll notice that a man would never post a note that says his "thingy still isn't working".

Deathstar said...

Yep, we got a lot of Catholics at our Buddhist centre.

Michele said...

I had a boyfriend who called himself "a recovering Catholic". He was raised Catholic, even was an alter boy for a time. Now he doesn't go at all, saying "The Church" is no better than a cult with all of it's rules, secrecy, and ceremony.
He went with me to a Baptist church once (I am not a regular church goer either) and when we left, he told me "Now THAT was a fun church experience!"