Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I need help with blogger

There are so many wonderful blogs that I read daily that I want to have a list linking them (like the rest of you have). For the life of me I cannot figure out how to do that. Anyone have any ideas for me? Or at least where in the blogger I would find a way to do this?


Anonymous said...

Ok, I am not so techie, but you can use a feed reader like bloglines (I highly recommend it) and you can copy and paste the html coding into your blog. You have to go into the template I think and you can paste it there. Bloglines and blogrolling have directions on what to do. I would pull up my account and look where I put it, but I can't get into it for some strange reason. I guess I need help with blogger, too!

Wait Another Year said...

If you still need help on this, here it is. Go to layout, make sure you're on the Page Element tab, click on My Blog List, and the rest should be easy (copying other blog adresses and pasting them is easiest). If you still have questions, please ask. I'd love to help.