Monday, June 08, 2009

blog responsibly

I checked my email a few minutes ago and two people had commented on the post that I had no idea I had posted. How weird is that. It just goes to show you that with the right drugs, you could go through life with amnesia. BigD is getting ticked that I keep asking him what the doctor said. The most horrifying event of the day...BigD dressed me after the procedure. I don't remember any of it. That means that I probably didn't remember to suck in my gut. Shit.


Sitting In Silence said...


Hope it all went well for you...

preppyplayer said...

Well... I have been on the road and have missed your last few posts. I have to say it,
So, what's up your butt?
LOL I know lame. But, I couldn't resist!!!
Anyway, I hope all is well and you are relaxing.