Wednesday, March 18, 2009

organ donation

I am so sad to hear about Natasha Richardson. My heart breaks for her children. All I can hope is that somehow the family had the strength to donate her viable organs. She was young and otherwise healthy. What a horrid decision to have to make at a time of devastation. Please tell your family tonight what your thoughts are about donating your organs. Whether you are pro or con, it is a conversation that needs to be had by every family.


preppyplayer said...

I SO agree! It is the ultimate gift. I find it hard to understand people's resistance to it.

Ina in Alaska said...

My driver's license has a donor designation on it and I have told my family that I wish to donate any useful organs as well. Good reminder.

Deathstar said...

Yeah, that was truly a tragic accident! My husband has already told me he wants his organs donated. As for me, can't think of anything better than to give my parts away - except for my uterus - that's crapped out. lol.

east village idiot said...

It is an important conversation. A relative of mine had a liver transplant. It's an incredible gift of life to leave someone.

Ronda said...

That was so sad, I really liked her a lot as an actress. One of my favorites. I agree, I hope they did choose to donate her organs.

The other reason I'm here is to tell you I almost fell off my chair laughing about your cabbage remark to Preppy Player! That was so friggin' funny!

Rob, Tina and the boys said...

When my Dad died suddenly, we as a family donated all Dad's organs. He always said he wanted to do that. Mom received a beautiful letter from the Organ Donation Association letting her know that many people have benefited from Dad's gift. But remember, it's not just organ donation. It's tissue and bone donation also.