Thursday, March 22, 2007


Okay gang~~Show me the love. I entered one of our kitties in a contest for lifetime TV...if you click this link and give me a 10 I am entered to win $1000.00 ~~ of course I would share :) Hey I gotta get the kid through college somehow.


Anonymous said...

I voted!

Nickie said...

which one is your kitty??

OHN said...

Hi Nickie--if you click on the link it will take you to his picture...I swear he laughs at me. He is the most bizarre cat. I still can't decide if I like him and we have had him for 5 years :)

east village idiot said...

hey - my sister works for lifetime and probably is the person behind this crazy sweepstakes. I'm gonna ask her tonight!

Hope you are well and that your medical tests came back fine.

Richard A Schoor MD FACS said...

Good luck with the contest, and your brother.