I am so blown away by the lack of common sense that BigD has. This morning he tells me that he was talking to *best friend* who is a car dealer. Great guy..love him to death. He took a teensy stuggling lot and over the past 15 years has grown exponentially and been named one of the best dealers in the country. Like I said, great guy and we have been friends since the beginning.
Anyway. BigD has a huge gas sucking monster of a vehicle. (2006-J.eep C.omm.ander)We have talked several times over the past year about him downsizing but because he had a work car provided and the gas sucker wasn't used that often we never did anything about it. So, BigD approached *best friend* and told him since retirement (ie-no take-home company car) he has been burning through the gas and he wanted to get something more economical. Sounds good and common sensish so far right?
Well *BF* said he would buy the sucker outright for $9000 and get BigD into a brand spankin new auto lease with no money down. BigD thought this sounded terrific.
You are going from NO car payment to a car payment every month for 3 years, and at the end of that time either give the car back or come up with the equivalent of about $10,000 to buy it out. (For clarification, I HATE car payments and haven't had one in many many years...if I don't have the money for it, I don't get it)
What part of this bullshit does he not get??
*BF* told him the cash upfront he would be giving BigD for the sucker would cover the payments for two years. HELLO? Remember BigD isn't working right now and his retirement checks blow. I am holding it all together but am nearing stroke stage balancing all the monetary balls in the air.
MY plan was to trade the sucker for a used (ie low miles, good shape 2009, 2010 or so) car. Almost evensteven.
The REAL kicker? *BF* is giving us $9000 for the above sucker.....even in fair shape they b.lue boo.k at $11,500. In Excellent shape it's $13, 900. Thats trade in. For selling outright they range is from $13,600-$16,100. This sucker is in fabulous condition (see above where I said it was only used on weekends and for personal use locally, not even back and forth to work).
I'm so pissed, I'm shaking pissed. I put it all down on paper for BigD in simple language. I told him if he thinks I am being a bitch, TOUGH. He actually listened and thanked me for giving him the facts. This is why I pay our bills, plan our vacations, etc etc. He doesn't research a fucking thing, especially when it comes to mens toys with motors...everything from cars to weed-whackers..if it's shiny and loud it MUST be a great find.
Having said that, he just drove out to go talk to *BF* and if BigD comes home in a brand new spankin leased vehicle you will hear about me on the news tonight. I will be the wife arrested for killing her husband by jamming a car up his ass.
Oh. Em. Gee. I would flip! There's no way Gabe would ever do some thing like that without a lot of talk and a LOT of research by me. Wow. Yep, no jury with even just one woman would hold you responsible.
Is your name on the title? If so, they would require your signature in order for him to trade it in.
When it comes to all of the automobile purchases between my husband and I in the past almost 20 years, I have had the final say because *I* am the one who was a car salesman a hundred years ago. A lease is the biggest pissing away of money we know. Besides rent.
OMG, OMG, OMG. If you make it to the border, I'll pick you up and hide you.
Well, I haven't seen you on the news, so I'm hoping all is right in the end over there. :) Although, our internet has been down the better part of this week for "maintenance upgrades" so ... :)
Seriously, well done laying it out; way to peel the onion for him. You have a gift. Here's hoping you'll be having a banner day on Sunday for all the restraint it took to put down that fork (don't I know it).
Well car salesmen didn't get their reputation from nowhere!
I will keep an eye on FoxNews...
Yikes! Im not sure I would have let him go alone! He sounds about as bad as a 17 year old teen boy!
I sure hope hubby doesn't have a fork in his eye!
Also hope life is treating you kindly.
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I just hope that life is treating you kindly. Bless you
I hope your okay. :(
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