Tuesday, February 12, 2008

update on my little life

Well……3 weeks ago today the big office signed the EMR paperwork and I still haven’t been told by the powers that be that this has happened, BUT, my mole on the inside told me word around the office is that the EMR won't be in place till spring (here in Ohio, we never know when spring will arrive so we will have to wait and see) so…..I am going to cut them some slack and not be pissed that they haven’t told me. To be honest I probably wouldn’t tell someone months ahead of time either so we will see how this plays out. BUT, because I was totally freaked out I spent last Monday composing and sending out 40 letters to physicians in a 30 mile radius and I had planned on making follow-up calls on Friday but before I could even make any calls, I got a call from one of the offices wanting to meet with me. I won’t go into all the boring details but I met with them on Friday and worked my ample ass off all weekend so I could impress the heck out of them on Monday when I returned their work. This was quite a feat considering that I had TWO computers crash on me. I don’t even want to think about it so I am not going to. Suffice to say that while the two new ones are being repaired and updated, I am now working on my antique computer from 1997 and it is purring like a kitten. Anyway as for the new office, it looks very promising and while 1 doc can't make up for 4, I feel better knowing that now that I am out there, things could improve. I would hate like crazy to have to start eating road kill.


Unknown said...

No squirrel surprise in your immediate future??
Glad things are still afloat and hope they continue to be. Would hate for you to be working your ass off for nothing!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! BUT, if need be, friends of mine have some good recipes I can pass along :)

beagle said...

I shouldn't even mention this but a certain one of the pres. candidates talked about cooking squirrel in a popcorn popper in college. Ewww ...

You are GREAT so there will be three more new docs by spring. I just KNOW it!

Sitting In Silence said...

Good on you !...glad the road kill is safe for another day !!

Dr. Deb said...

Two computer crashes?????