We saw the doctor from another land (LG=lung guy) on Thursday, not uber super doc in Pittsburgh but our local pulmonologist. We needed to start back at the beginning because the non-information we were getting was confusing and depressing.
He kicked back and spent over 45 minutes with us (though it might have had more to do with the fact that we were his last patients for the morning rather than loving us unconditionally) and he zipped out his computer and showed us the scans, slice by slice. We were able to see the plaques, the mass, the needle aspiration attempt (nobody is convinced that the radiologist was dead on with his target even though when we asked him he said his average is 'around 100%'). LG told us that since the first biopsy was negdeeb and the PET was negdeeb at this point he would be inclined to wait 3 months, rinse and repeat.
By the end of the visit though, after really listening to what we were saying he did think that BigD should maybe have a bronchosopy after all ~~~~~~YES, this is what I wanted 3 weeks ago. In my opinion if you can actually see the lung booger with your own eyes, it is much better than relying on a CT--but then again I have always been a hands on learner....tell me, read to me, explain to me, it all works.... but not as well as when I can hold, see, or do what ever it is I am supposed to learning.
So Tuesday he is going to go in, scope away and try to get another few specimens for the path lab. The lung booger is in a location that may be hard to reach with the scope but he is going to try. OH, he also said that in his opinion he doesn't think the diaphragm is involved, he believes the booger is contained in the lower lobe of the lung that just happens to be butted up against the diaphragm.
The one thing that this whole mess has done though is make S1 and S2 come down off their newly independent high horses and realize that family is indeed important. Neither one has actually come out and said they are worried but the fact that they keep popping home for a night or two here and there, surely tells me something. I am positive it is not my fantastic cooking that draws them home and sometimes they dont even bring dirty laundry!!
I has to be concern for their dad. This morning, as I sit here in my office I have S1 upstairs in his bed (which is right above my office and sometimes the floor creaks and it is a wonderful sound:), S2 is on the big chair in the family room, and he brought a friend who is on the couch. In no time at all I will be in the kitchen slaving over pancakes, eggs, sausage, bagels etc etc and you know what...I will actually be loving it. I am always at my cheeriest when I have all my guys here. It fills my heart. I know that before long they will have their own families and I will be placed a little further away in their priorities so I am loving all this while I can.
On a closing note---last night was halloween. I bought 60 bags of doritos to pass out (I have always given out fab candy but anything we have left, I eat, so I decided to go the non chocolate route this year). So this morning, I have 48 bags left. Yep, we only had 12 goblins come to the house. When S2 was wondering why, it dawned on him that the neighborhood has undergone a natural evolution. Most of us here are my age and the old trick or treaters are his age and are off at school. We have a few new "young" families starting to move in but not many.
I had a bit of an argument with S3 about going out last night. He just turned 14 and I personally think that is too old (its never too old if you are going to an organized party but to ring doorbells, when you can get a job and buy your own damn candy....its too old). Because I am woman, hear me roar, I won the battle and he switched to scare mode. He decided to hide in the bushes and scare the little goblins that came.....so I ask you, if you turned around to leave and saw this child, would you be frightened???
Ahaha S3 looks awesome. We also had very few kids last night and a crapload of candy left over. Halloween was from 3-7 here last night because of a tournament in town which was fabulous. We were in the house by 6 and it was all over. And, good to hear they they are going to look at the booger again. I agree with you, better to look with your eyes.
holy cow, did he do that or did you buy that...
heebie jeebies!
oh and do keep us posted on the new round of testing...your hubbie will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Holy smoke....that is scary...great costume but....did he think of that himself ?
I'm glad you had all four of your "boys" home!
I hope you get another negdeeb from that scope.
xo from me and my two boys.
And, no, I would not be scared at all, I would think I was back at my old job. Ha ha.
OMG, he totally freaked me out!
Hope the next test goes well. Will be thinking of you all...
That made me pee a little.
Actions speak louder than words and I'm glad your boys hung around.
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